Electronics & Power Supply

Electronics & Power Supply

Animatronic Movie Props

Note: This is an automatic translation of the original German text. You can read the original German version here.

Animatronic Grogu 2.0

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Grogu's electronic heart is an ESP32 32 from diymore that takes control of the servos and sounds, as well as wifi communication with smartphones and remote controls.

First attempts on the breadboard: Erste Versuche auf dem Breadboard

Above in the picture - Grogus ESP32:  Grogus ESP32

Pinout of the ESP32

ESP32 PIN Component PIN Component
G13 RXD MP3 Player
G14 TXD MP3 Player
GND GND MP3 Player
5V VCC MP3 Player
G16 RXD STS Servos Bus
G17 TXD STS Servos Bus
GND GND STS Servos Bus
G18 RXD SCS Servos Bus
G19 TXD SCS Servos Bus
GND GND SCS Servos Bus
G22 SLC i²c Bus
G21 SDA i²c Bus
3.3V VCC i²c Bus
GND GND i²c Bus
G25 Pin 1 Action button 1
GND Pin 1 over 1kΩ resistor Action button 1
3.3V Pin 2 Action button 1
G26 Pin 1 Action button 2
GND Pin 1 over 1kΩ resistor Action button 2
3.3V Pin 2 Action button 2
5V 5V out via Schottky diode Voltage Source
GND GND Voltage Source

I²C Bus

Devices connected to the i²c bus:

Grogus OLED display (right in the picture): Grogus OLED-Display rechts im Bild

Filter switches/buttons with pull-down resistor

The filter switches are connected to pins G25 and G26 of the ESP32. The button is connected to a pull-down resistor of 1kΩ to pull the pin to GND when the button is not pressed.

Sound Module

The sound is produced by a YX5300 Serial MP3 Player Module connected to the ESP32 via a serial port. The module can read and play a micro SD card with MP3 files. The ESP32 controls the module via the serial port and can thus control the playback of sounds.

Grogus sound module (right in the picture): Grogus Soundmodul rechts im Bild

For the speaker, I used a Waveshare 8Ω 5-Watt Speaker connected to the sound output of the YX5300 Serial MP3 Player via a PAM8403 amplifier .

Grogus Speakers and Amplifiers: Grogus Lautsprecher und Verstärker

Grogus Speakers and Amplifiers: Grogus Lautsprecher und Verstärker

Power supply

The Grogu is powered in stationary mode with a power supply and mobile via a LiPo battery with XT60 plug with 7.4V 80C 5200mAh. The battery is connected to a 5A fuse and an on/off switch. The voltage is reduced to 5V via a step-down converter to power the electronics. In addition, the voltage for the servos is reduced to 6V via a second, more powerful XL4016E1 Step Down Voltage Converter . The voltages are displayed on Grogu's back via small 7-segment displays to check whether the voltages are stable at any time.

Grogus Spannungsversorgung

Grogus Spannungsversorgung

Stottky Diodes

The two Schottky diodes on the ESP32 are used to isolate the voltages of the 5-volt step-down converter and the USB cable to prevent the voltages from interfering with each other. Unfortunately, one diode has to be soldered into the USB cable, otherwise you won't get in the way:

Schottky-Diode im USB Kabel

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